Monday, 14 November 2011


This is the 4'th host bot made for Garena. It's based of course on Varlock's job Ghost++ and GhostOne ( ) but it's adapted only for Garena. It retains many of the original Ghost commands plus other specific for Garena. It has commands like !levels to show player levels, it can put restrictions on this (just like on countries) and it shows real player countries.

It's very very simple to use, just a Start and Stop button. It creates a game, you join it and play.

Why use a hostbot ?
  • [Image: check.png] Play easier with your friends ! Add them to safelist (so they can always join your game, even if it's full), make them admins like you, hold slot for them and many more !
  • [Image: check.png] Total control over your game ! (ability to kick << on vote >>, mute, swap, ban players)
  • [Image: check.png] Ability to control the game latency !
  • [Image: check.png] Ability to auto-save games when someone is disconnected (for a later resuming)
  • [Image: check.png] And many many more Smile

How to upgrade from older versions to v4.0 ? (and keep the banlist)
In your old garena hostbot installed directory there's a file called "ghost.dbs". In that file the bans are stored. After installing Garena HostBot v4.0 copy that file to the installation directory.

  • [Image: check.png] fixed country and level detection
  • [Image: check.png] fixed STATSDOTA, !sd now works and records player statistics
  • [Image: check.png] added modes tab
  • [Image: check.png] added phrases tab
  • [Image: check.png] added spoof detector (just warn or auto-kick options)
  • [Image: check.png] added command !say to send a message to all chat
  • [Image: check.png] added "autostart_players" in config for the game to autostart
  • [Image: check.png] moved credits to "welcome.txt" and "gameloaded.txt". You can now edit or remove them. Left only game ending credits hard coded.
  • [Image: check.png] added commands !manualban !mb !manualunban !mub - for banning and unbanning players even if they are/were not in the game (generic ban/unban)
  • [Image: check.png] added option to turn off country and level detection
  • [Image: check.png] added option to detect the country from the ip address or from garena info
  • [Image: check.png] added a message when joining a game for admins and safelisted players
  • [Image: check.png] added option to disable auto-hosting of a new game when the current one has finished
  • [Image: check.png] fixed allow downloads
  • [Image: check.png] disabled the ability for the host to read the enemy chat in console ! (was considered a hack )
  • [Image: check.png] many other tweaks and visual style modification

Note. You can view or edit your bans, the admins or the safelist players easy by going to the "Database" tab and then clock "Open database". Then select a table (admins, bans or safelisted) and view or make your changes.

Download links (mirrors) :

Don't forget to RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR !

To work with latest W3 patch 1.25b or 1.26 read:

Virus Scan: [Image: softpedia_clean_award_f.gif]

For the program to work you need to have these installed on your PC (install them if the program doesn't work):

Simple, easy to config, then Start -> Stop

Common Problem. You can join your game but others can't see it !
You need to check if your ports 6112 to 6119 are opened or forwarded. Thre's a utility that checks if your ports are opened: - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall , if they're closed Garena Host Bot won't work. If you have a router find out how to forward your ports on that site.

Guides and tutorials will be available soon !

If you got a question or problem create a post in the Garena HostBot forum section ! Post a screenshot (from the hostbot or w3) or the hostbot log too !

Some of the available commands:

In game lobby:

!a                      alias to !abort
!abort                  abort countdown
!announce <sec> <msg>   set the announce message (the bot will print <msg> every <sec> seconds), leave blank or "off" to disable the announce message, use | as newline
!ann                    same as !announce
!autostart <players>    auto start the game when the specified number of players have joined, leave blank or "off" to disable auto start
!check <name>           check a user's status (leave blank to check your own status)
!checkban <name>        check if a user is banned on any realm
!close <number> ...     close slot
!closeall               close all open slots
!countbans              count how many banned users are in the game
!commands               toggle non admin commands
!comp <slot> <skill>    create a computer in slot <slot> of skill <skill> (skill is 0 for easy, 1 for normal, 2 for insane)
!dbstatus               database status
!dl <name>              alias to !download
!dlinfo [on/off]        show info on current downloads
!dli [on/off]           show info on current downloads
!dlinfotime <value>     interval in seconds between info messages
!dlit <value>           interval in seconds between info messages
!dlmax <value>          maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
!dlm <value>            maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
!dltspeed <value>       set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
!dlts <value>           set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
!dlspeed <value>        set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
!dls <value>            set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
!download <name>        allow a user to start downloading the map (only used with conditional map downloads, it tries to do a partial match)
!downloads              enable/disable map downloads
!from <name>            display the country each player is from, or of a player (partial match)
!f <name>               display the country each player is from, or of a player (partial match)
!fp <name>              display the country and ping each player is from, or of a player (partial match)
!gn                     display current game name
!hold <name> ...        hold a slot for someone
!holds <name> <nr> ...  hold a specified slot for someone
!hcl                    sets the game mode before the game is started (it will be put automatically. Ex: !hcl -apso .
!kick <name>            kick a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!k <name>               kick a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!only xx xx xx          define allowed countries, for ex: !only RO ES or !only to clear list
!no xx xx xx            define denied countries, for ex: !no BR RU or !no to clear list
!l                      show ping and country of the last player who joined
!latency <number>       set game latency (50-500), leave blank to see current latency
!dr <number>            alias to latency
!lock                   lock the game so only the game owner can run commands
!mars [name]            will insult someone using mars.txt (random player if no parameter is given), partial name match
!mute <name>            mutes a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!m <name>               mutes a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!unmute <name>          unmutes a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!open <number> ...      open slot
!open <number> ...      open slot
!openall                open all closed slots
!owner [name]           set game owner to yourself, optionally add [name] to set game owner to someone else
!ping [number]          ping players, optionally add [number] to kick players with ping above [number]
!p [number]             ping players, optionally add [number] to kick players with ping above [number]
!sp                     shuffle players
!startn                 start game - immediately (no countdown timer)
!start [force]          start game, optionally add [force] to skip checks
!stats [name]           display basic player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!statsdota [name]       display DotA player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!swap <n1> <n2>         swap slots
!synclimit <number>     set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit
!top                    top10, calculate with !topc or in GHost One first
!top10                  top10, calculate with !topc or in GHost One first
!topc                   calculate scores, when used with sqlite will block bot while calculating
!unhost                 unhost game
!uh                     unhost game
!unlock                 unlock the game
!version                display version information (can be used by non admins)
!votecancel             cancel a votekick
!votekick <name>        start a votekick (it tries to do a partial match, can be used by non admins)
!verbose                toggle info showing on player trying to join and getting kicked
!vb                     toggle info showing on player trying to join and getting kicked
!w <name> <message>     send a whisper on every connected realm from the bot's account to the player called <name> (this command is HIDDEN from other players)
!autosave               autosave game when a player gets disconnected
!lvl !levels - dispay current player levels
!min !lmin - set the minimum level restriction
!max !lman - set the maximum level restriction
!test <slot>            returns the name of the player in the slot

NON-ADMIN COMMANDS: (can be used by anyone)


In game:

!addban <name> <reason> add a new ban to the database (it tries to do a partial match)
!ban                    alias to !addban
!bl [reason]            alias to !banlast, reasons = l, i, r, mh, lag, n, f
!banlast [reason]       ban the last leaver, reasons = l, i, r, mh, lag, n, f
!check <name>           check a user's status (leave blank to check your own status)
!checkban <name>        check if a user is banned on any realm
!end                    end the game (disconnect everyone)
!endn                   end the game (disconnect everyone) - immediately
!gn                     display current game name
!latency <number>       set game latency (50-500), leave blank to see current latency
!dr <number>            alias to latency
!lock                   lock the game so only the game owner can run commands
!manualban !mb          ban a player even if he is/was not in the game
!mub !manualunban       unbans a player
!messages <on/off>      enable or disable local admin messages for this game ( messages relayed to local admins in game)
!muteall                mute global chat (allied and private chat still works)
!override               cancel game over timer
!owner [name]           set game owner to yourself, optionally add [name] to set game owner to someone else
!say <message>          sends the message to all chat
!stats [name]           display basic player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!statsdota [name]       display DotA player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!synclimit <number>     set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit
!slap <name>            slap message
!top                    top10, calculate with !topc or in GHost One first
!top10                  top10, calculate with !topc or in GHost One first
!topc                   calculate scores, when used with sqlite will block bot while calculating
!unlock                 unlock the game
!unmuteall              unmute global chat
!version                display version information (can be used by non admins)
!votecancel             cancel a votekick
!votekick <name>        start a votekick (it tries to do a partial match, can be used by non admins)
!yes                    register a vote in the votekick (can be used by non admins)
!getnames               get names of current games
!gns                    get names of current games

Note: instead of partial name or name you can use the slot ID, for Ex: !ban 3 n (will ban the player in slot 3 for beeing  a noob), not compatible with DotA siwtch !

NOTE: Garena HostBot is an independent program that does not (and doesn't need to) modify any Garena or Warcraft III files ! It is a stand alone program !


- Supports English client
- Supports Vietnamese client
- Supports Russian client
- Tunnel Room Players
- Tunnel 'Joined My Host' Players
- Tunnel Players while Playing


Version 8.02 (March 26, 2011)
- Fixed a bug
>> PS: Do not delete keys.dat

Version 8.01 (March 24, 2011)
- Removed ads from being run with Internet Explorer when close
- Added redirection to the ads when close
- Changed Icon

>> PS: Do not delete keys.dat

Version 8.00 (February 24, 2011)
- Recoded Script to work for Russian Client
- Reworked GUI
- Removed ALT+F4 Hotkeyset
- Added a new Hotkeyset
  ? Press and Hold Esc key to stop tunneling
- Added Start/Stop hotkey
  ? Example: ALT+F2 to tunnel room playes,
    so when the user pressed ALT+F2 tunneling
    will Start or Stop
- Added a detector if the user has joined a
  room or not
- Removed int.dll

>> PS: Do not delete keys.dat

Version 7.00 (Febuary 16, 2011)
- Added 'Joined My Host' Tunneler
- Changed Hotkeysets
- Tunnel players while in-game, Garena window must not be closed
- Reworked GUI

Version 6.00 (January 14, 2011)
- Recoded script
- Changed hotkeysets
- You cannot change hotkeysets anymore
- Hotkeysets are now F3 and F4
- You can now tunnel even if Garena Window is minimized
- More things had changed

Version 5.00 (January 10, 2011)
- You can now customize the tunnel key
  - Common tunnel key is 'T' and 'G' for Vietnamese client
  - Right-click on tray menu then click on settings or edit Settings.ini with Notepad
- Removed the webpage from being displayed after running and/or exiting the application
  - The webpage is now being viewed hidden
- If ggsys.dll is missing from the root directory, it will be automatically downloaded on the server
- If int.dll is missing from the root directory, it will be automatically downloaded on the server

Version 4.00 (November 22, 2010)
- Recoded script
- Removed ~ Players Joined My Host ~ Tunneler
- Removed Insert hotkey
- Removed Pause/Continue feature
- Removed End hotkey
- Added a feature that when you move your mouse, tunneling will be stopped
- You can now set your own hotkey
- Added a GUI to configure the settings (right-click on the tray icon then click Settings)
- Fixed some bugs.

Version 3.00 (November 18, 2010)
- Added a new hotkeyset (Insert)
- Added new feature ~ Players Joined My Host ~ Tunneler

* Players Joined My Host tunneler is on test mode. I did not test it myself, I just wrote it then release to public, please do test it and tell me if something's wrong in the my code. Thanks....

Version 2.00 (November 13, 2010)
- Rewritten codes
- Added hotkeysets
- Removed GUI
- Tested with screen resolutions of :
  + ScreenWidth x 600
  + ScreenWidth x 768
  + ScreenWidth x 864

*Screenwidth means any screen width resolution

- ALT+F2 = Start Tunnel (Room Users)
- ALT+F3 = Start Tunnel (Joined My Host)
- Hold Esc = Stop Tunnel

GG.Tunnel. (542.49 kB)


Here comes an awesome pack of DotA Tools developed by Crisgon. It's basically a normal Warcraft 3 Toolkit but with some advanced addons specially designed for DotA. This program has almost every utility which a DotA Player must have during the game. This includes incredible features like CustomKeys, FPS improver, Meepo Bot, Invoker Bot and much more.

Now players won't have to open multiple programs for the specific functions because this program has all of them!

Download Crisgon DotA Toolkit:

Crisgon DotA Toolkit v3.3b (mirror 1)

- Download the toolkit and extract it in your Warcraft 3 folder.
* Updated to DotA v6.72

Crisgon DotA Toolkit Features:

Warcraft 3 Tools Crigson• Inventory Hotkeys
Allows you to remap your Warcraft 3 Inventory Hotkeys to any key.

• Mouse Wheel Bind:
You can bind any Keyboard key to your mouse wheel.

• Skill, Autocast & Selfcast.
This allows to set your desired hotkey for skills and then use it for Auto-cast & Selfcast.

• Warcraft 3 CustomKeys (Spell Hotkeys)
Great feature, Permits you to generate CustomKeys.txt for your Spells (abilities) and other action/movement keys. Such as: Q,W,E,R etc.
Crigson DotA ToolkitNote: You need to activate Custom Keys from Warcraft 3 gameplay settings in order to make it work.

• Invoker Super Keys (Invoker Bot)
This allows you to bind hotkey for making Invoker skills (you can make Invoker spells by pressing one key)

• Meepo Super Keys (meepo bot)
1. Poof Boot:
Bind 1 key for all Meepo clone's poof, they will poof to the original Geomancer.
2. Earthbind Bot:
This feature automatically switches to the next Meepo after casting Earthbind, you just need to activate it using a Hotkey.
• Quick Messages:
For spammers only.. Kidding, This will allow you to send Quick Messages by binding a key.

Tip: You can use prefix, for e.g
All: "your text here" - This will send messages in all.
Our: "your text here" - This will send in allies.

• Quick Launch:
Launch any other program by selecting it or copy and paste it's path and clicking launch.

• Toggle Health Bars/CustomKeys
Allows you to switch Health bars & CustomKeys ON or OFF during game using a hotkey.

• Resolution Changer:
You can change your Warcraft 3 Resolution whatever you want. This is intended for Widescreen users only, who don't have their resolution listed on video settings page.

• Improve FPS:
This improves your Warcraft 3 Frames Per Second rate so you can play smoothly.

• Warcraft 3 Window Mode:
Play Warcraft 3 in windowed mode without having any cursor problems.

If you have any problems, do post a comment


GarenaM4st3r / Garena Master is an opensource Garena hack which removes all the restrictions from Garena gaming client. It has a lots of features including built-in Garena Exp hack, Drophack, NameSpoofer, Auto-room joiner etc. Also, you may use any Warcraft 3 hack safely without any ban, you may use Cheat Engine too. GarenaMaster hack project was originally started by m4st3r but there are many people who contributed in it's development.

  • Warcraft 1.26 maphack (b/c/d patch also)
  • Garena Namespoofer
  • Garena Auto Room Joiner
  • Removes 5 second error while joining game room
  • Shows Pings in Digits
  • Hack protection removed
  • EXP hack (100/15min Gold, 50/15min Basic)
  • Leave Room while playing.
  • Garena Ladder stats in Warcraft 3 Chat.
  • Garena Super Admin, Gold, Premium, Platinum Styles
  • Warcraft 3 Drophack
  • Hide ads in Garena
  • Warcraft 1.24d Cooldown hack
  • Warcraft 3 Mana Bars
  • DotA ESP Hack
  • Rune Notifier++
  • More features are being added in automatic updates :)
  • DotA Mana Bars.
  • Garena Multi Client for more EXP.
  • Garena Auto Room Joiner

Garena Master Download Links:

GarenaMaster-v86.01.rar (Updated 14TH November 2011)

Garena Master 86.01 Changelogs:

- Back to new Injector System, but compiled with old IDE, at least here worked fine with no crash !
# PS: Remember to delete all the old garenamaster before extracting this version or just extract on different folder!
# PS: If you extract on different folder you will probably need add gm to your antivirus exclusion list again!

Step by Step, Guide:
1. Download Garena Master Hack.
2. Extract the files to any folder.
3. Run GM.exe
5. Select the features you wanna run.
7. Run Garena from GarenaMaster's window.
8. Enjoy!

• Beware of using Garena EXP Hack, if might get you banned.
• If Garena updates, do not use it & wait for the GarenaM4st3r to update.
• Run as administrator if you are running it on Windows 7 or Vista.
• Try disabling Auto-Room Joiner feature if you are having problems.
• You can find Garena Master changelogs inside the file.
• Use Garena Master at your own risk,


DotA IMBA 3.77b AI EN Map is one more addition in the huge database of DotA based fun-mode maps. The term imba is derived from "Imbalance" word which is often used as online gaming slang. DotA IMBA is certainly an imbalance map, It has IMBA-fied abilities of every hero in DotA. Imagine meat hook with 3500 range and POTM's Elune arrow going through the whole map.


• Imba Hero Spells/Abilities
• More powerful items.
• Obtain a free random item (from Ancient of Wonders shop)
• Achievement Points
• Improved Visual effects
• New Hero: Ice Phoenix
Pandaren Brewmaster Primal SplitOmniknight Purification
Shadowfiend Requiem of SoulsPugna Nether Blast

DotA IMBA v3.77b AI EN Download:
DotA-IMBA-3.77b.rar (mirror 1)

Download the map and extract it in your "Warcraft 3\Maps\Download" folder.

The cool feature about this map is, You can play it offline against computer (AI bots) and have fun, This map has some extra items too for more fun which is pretty amusing. DotA IMBA was originally created by Chinese map developer(s) Mimya, later Harreke provided English translation of this map. Make sure you play this map with your friends, You won't regret!

DOTA 6.72 ai is out!!!

Dota 6.72f AI v1.1 is now out. PleaseBugMeNot has came up with a new version to address the bugs in the previous release This hotfix update fixes the Circle of Power Item duplication bug, AI item build fixes and brings several other improvements. Read the changelogs and get the latest AI!

DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 Download:
DOTA 6.72AI 1.1 (7.19 MB)

Get the zip file and extract it in your 'Warcraft 3\Maps\Downloads' directory. You must have War3 1.24e or 1.26 patch to play this map.
DotA 6.72f AI v1.1 Nightmare Changelogs:

1. Fixed: Spectre's Reality auto-usage on nearest low hp enemy when Haunt is casted.
2. Fixed: Player gets extra ability when swaping any hero with Troll AI ( Range Axe ). Same goes to Batrider ( 2nd skill ).
3. Fixed: dupe item bug in Circle of Power area.
4. Fixed: Respawn doesnt work when killed while under ult of Pandaren Brewmaster ( Primal Spirits ).
5. Fixed: Io's Overcharge didn`t work.
6. Fixed: Naga Siren's ult didn`t work.
7. Fixed: Furion AI ult didn`t work properly.
8. Fixed: Courier flying bug.
9. Fixed Shadow Poison, Earthsplitter, Pounce, and Song of Siren's usage condition.
10. Improved AI: Geomancer (Poof spamming and Earthbind), KotL (increased Blinding Light offset loc).
11. Fixed AI item bug on carrying aegis.
12. Fixed AI orb abilities and Splitshot usage.
13. Fixed bug on DE/DG
14. Fixed bug on AI trying to Roshan/gank after game ends.
15. Changed -sh AI naming (now using colors instead of unit name)
16. Attempt to fix player leaving on 0:00
17. Invoker skills build change. New levels are:
Quas: 4 14 15 16 18 20 21
Wex: 6 10 19 22 23 24 25
18. Added new "fake" ability 'CF03' (Phoenix' Sun Ray)
19. Fixed heroes AI : Silencer (Curse of Silence), Lich (Frost Armor), Venomancer (Ward), Chen (Holy Persuation), Soul Keeper (was using Reflection on allies), Naga Siren (Song of the Siren bug fixed, condition reworked), Tauren (Earthsplitter improved), Shadow Demon (Shadow Poison?)
20. Improved hero AI: Phoenix (Sun Ray)
21. Fixed AI gold bug. Set -ng gold bonus into 0.
22. Attempting to fix Axe's bug.
23. Fixed AI behavior against Divine Rapier.
24. Increased range check for Stasis Ward and Earthsplit dodge.
25. Improved heroes AI: Disruptor (all skills), Ancient Appariton (Ice Blast condition and aiming), Gyro (Call-Down condition)
26. Fixed AI behaviour toward gems.
27. Added message on AI returning Divine Rapier to owner's circle.
28. Fixed Phoenix' Fire Spirit slowing.
29. Fixed Juggernaut's using Blade Fury while Omnislashing.
30. Attempted to fix AI indecisive laning and base-stuck bug.
31. Changed Rubick's itembuild
32. Fixed AI Charge of Darkness, improved usage.
33. Fixed Axe's berserker's call bug
34. Fixed -dummy bug
35. Io and Meepo Item Builds fixed.

This update truly shows the determination and dedication of AI team towards the development of AI project. Hopefully, This versions fixes all the bugs in the AI, if you still encounter any bug, please report.



Download all maps here from latest to oldest!  download in getdota